Learn How To start Business Online

Friday, March 14, 2014

Intro To Beginner and Newbies Don't Believe the Hype

Hello my name is Glenn Byers and why should you listen to me. I have been on the internet now to 4 years now. I am the kind of person that would like to save you some time and save you a bunch of frustration. Being a beginner or newbie you are subject to all the internet has to give you and believe there is a lot.

First let me tell you think about what you are doing you can't buy everything and I will give you some suggestions but that's up to you if you want to take them. I will tell you that there is no such things as push button software's that will make you money over night they sound good and we all wish they worked but the fact is that it takes hard work to build a real business on the internet. There are going to be hard times I will tell you this upfront. 

I remember when I started my first business it cost me $5000 to start and I didn't make a dime for weeks what a trip that was. My first mistake was I thought when I opened they would come. But they didn't I had to start marketing and finally it turned around, in about a year or so and it started profiting. That was in my early 20's.

The internet reminds me of the old days of the gold rush where the little guy can make a fortune. But if you know of this time there were a lot of people that lost everything. But that's business and if your not prepared for that don't even start. It takes a special person to own your own business. Don't get me wrong anyone on earth can do it. What I am talking about is that person do they really want it or is it like getting a puppy and then you find out they take daily work for a while like training and cleaning up after them and even feeding them and spending time. All those things you have to do in your business.

Like the puppy you have to train them same thing for you. You will need training and some times you will have problems so that would be the messes you have to clean up. The feeding part would be the time you put in the money you will have to put in to make the money you want. This life and you can run from it or stick around and fight for what you want. To change your lifestyle.

I am a different kind of marketer and if you follow me you will get the straight talk I can guarantee that. I will not sugar coat that because that is not what you need. You may not want the truth and if that's the case we will not be a good fit. If you do want the truth and want to save time and all the frustrations of all the crap out there. Stick with me read some of my stuff follow me if you want and I can set you up with some great. Here's some more information from me.

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