Learn How To start Business Online

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

How To Make Money And Avoid The Mistakes I Made.

How to make money and avoid the mistakes I made. If you have been reading my blog post I have been trying to build some trust with you so what I share with you. You will at least sit back and think about what I said. No I don't know everything but I may know more than you so listen up.
My name is Glenn Byers and I am known as the straight up guy. I am not like those other guys I am going to tell it to you straight up. 

Let me tell a story about how to make money and avoid the mistakes I made. When I started I was as green as a granny smith apple. I really didn't know much at all. My wife was into computers not me I was a car guy. But I wanted to stay home and make money. The computer opened my eyes up to all kind of possibilities. I was so excited to get up every morning and see what I could find. First of all I wasn't focused on finding a business. I was checking my email and seeing all of those shiny objects and that would waste my day. If you don't know what I mean about shiny objects that is all the offers for product in my email. It seemed like I bought one everyday big mistake. Most of the stuff I never figured out or it didn't work. I had no help to keep me away from this stuff.

Wondering around the internet is another mistake I made and jumping from product to the next big thing. Stop that real quick or you will end up frustrated and thinking this will never work and you will quit and say it didn't work. Or you may say to yourself this is going to be the last one and if it don't wok that's it. Or you may say this has to prove it will work in the next 3 days or I'm out. I have said all of those things but I had the passion and the desire to carry on. I also met a mentor that helped me get my head on straight.

We all have done these things and if your new I hope you were listening it will save you a bundle. So what do you now? I say you should get with a mentor like me or whomever you like or partner up with someone that may know more than you. Follow people that you like. Join a system like I said yesterday with a community and a mentor. I really think you should check out our system doesn't cost you a dime just some time.

Last tip and I know you’re not going to like it but I have to tell you straight up right. It isn't about the money. I know you think I'm crazy but just listen when you have the money then what? It's about helping other get what they want so you get what you want and having more freedom to do what you want to do when you want to do it. It's about the lifestyle you can have for you and your family. That's what it's all about. 

You have just been told straight up. Have a great day.

About Better Future Ahead: Here at Better Future Ahead we strive to give
you the best quality products and most up to date product so you can
improve your bottom line in your business. In our business you can be a

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Start A Real Business Online With A Blog And Get Your Message Out

What we will talk about today is how to help you get your message out to the world. Personal I think if you have a business online you have to have a blog, your own blog. Who am I and why can I tell you this? My name is Glenn Byers and I am known as the straight up guy throughout the internet and to my friends. I will tell what you need to know and not what you want to hear. You will get it straight up from me. Can You Handle It?

I can hear you now you’re using a free blog right now and you’re telling me that I need to have my own blog that will cost me money every month. Yes I am and here is the deal I have about 20 blogs. I have about 10 that are mine and I have a bunch of free ones too. Here is why just so you know I write a post on a blogger blog and link it to my main blog so that give me authority and links coming from the free blogs. Remember Google likes blogger sites. I will teach you more about that in another blog post. The other reason you want your own blog is free sites can be shut down on you and you can't do anything about it. All your time and work down the drain. A lot of them have all kinds of rules that stop you from doing what you want to do.

Hope that makes sense to you. Let's get back on topic and that is your own blog. Why do you need one? The way I use mine is to send people back there for more information and to get leads so I can follow up with them and help them get into a business or a course that I have or whatever you have to sell or even a service. Guys you have to get the word out. You have to put content out if you want free organic traffic. You want a place to send people to read more about you. Even if you are doing paid traffic all the time.

Think about it like this remember playing monopoly when you were a kid? This is a great example. To win the game is to own most of the properties and put hotels on them. So you would own the real estate of the properties. Then as the players came around they would stop on your properties and have to pay. Same thing here your articles and press releases or video any kind of content is your real estate. The name of the game here is to do a post a day or two and in a year you will have 365 pieces of content or more on the net. I can feel those questions brewing in your head. So let's take care of them.

Here's something specially when your new comes up and that is what do I write about? I don't understand how to use this blog? Really I remember it seemed over wheeling. I will be honest with you I sucked in English class and my grammar and writing suffers from it. I use a lot of little words I just do the best I can.
There is someone out there that will read your articles and feel something or you will help them in some way or form. Plus you will get better. Business is about growing and if you aren't willing to do that you need to look for a job. But really anywhere you go there will be change that's the way the universe works. Ever changing world we live in. What do you write about? This is an easy one even though your thinking I don't think that's going to be easy. On your blog you write about your business and products and then after that runs out you will need to learn stuff and write about what you learned. Could be a simple topic like a blog that you need to have if you have an internet business. Pretty easy right.

You heard it all from the straight up guy first and you have been told straight up..

If you want a easy to use blog that is hosted for you all you have to do is post away and pay the bill every month then check out mine. They are customizable and you can even by your own domain name and attach it to the blog. I can set you up for a very low cost every month. Check it out here.

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Looking To Start A Business Online To Make Extra Income

What kind of business do you want to do? That is a big question when you are just starting out. Here's when you fall into the hype because you don't know what to do and like said it is all so exciting when you start looking around and start signing up for different things.

Hello my name is Glenn Byers and I am known as the straight up guy and I want to give it to you straight up.
Here's my choices. You could start like I did with affiliate promotions. Or you could start with a system. I like this option and here's why because if you are new you really need help and you need a system that will help you until you know what your doing. Even then if you get in a great system you won't leave you may start something else like another stream of income.

Why A System To Start A Online Business

Here's why if you pick the right system they will have all the tools and knowledge you need to succeed. There will be people that are like minded to help you along the way. Now don't get me wrong they will not do your work for you and if your lazy and you don't want to work for your future this isn't for you. A business is hard work and it takes commitment and the desire to think ahead into the future to get what you want for your life. This kind of system usually has the product built in so you don't have to worry about what to promote and some will even have their own traffic source. I belong to one of these type business and they are great. If I was going to start all over I would start with this kind of business. It sure beats bouncing around or wondering and really not getting anything done. Later I will share my sources with you. But for now lets carry on.

You could go to a place called Click Bank and promote affiliate offers this is good too but you will have to learn most of this in pieces believe me it is hard to put all the pieces together. This is what will happen some people will show you a little piece then some one else will show something but most of the time you don't get everything. To me this was hard easy now that I know but hard to figure it all out by myself. Make sure you check out the deal what kind of commission you will get and if you want to go this route I will try to do a article on this if I get some comments on the subject.

Then their are jobs you could do which isn't what I came here for but you can do something at a place called Fiverr. There are people on there that will do just about anything for 5 bucks. You could check that out if you just want a small income..

If you want the straight up answer from me and you want a real long lasting business That will make you money for years to come find a system that will work for you. I will share 2 that I like and would put my name on them. You can check them out if you like or take the information I have given you here and find something really cool for you. Both of these business will make you a lot of money if you do the work and stick with it. In most cases you will beat yourself meaning you will be the one that talks you out of that work you need to do. So commit yourself to your business and believe you can do it. Everyone can do this it's usually the mindset they have about themselves. You have the greatest tool you need that is YOU.

Start A Business Online

Friday, March 14, 2014

Intro To Beginner and Newbies Don't Believe the Hype

Hello my name is Glenn Byers and why should you listen to me. I have been on the internet now to 4 years now. I am the kind of person that would like to save you some time and save you a bunch of frustration. Being a beginner or newbie you are subject to all the internet has to give you and believe there is a lot.

First let me tell you think about what you are doing you can't buy everything and I will give you some suggestions but that's up to you if you want to take them. I will tell you that there is no such things as push button software's that will make you money over night they sound good and we all wish they worked but the fact is that it takes hard work to build a real business on the internet. There are going to be hard times I will tell you this upfront. 

I remember when I started my first business it cost me $5000 to start and I didn't make a dime for weeks what a trip that was. My first mistake was I thought when I opened they would come. But they didn't I had to start marketing and finally it turned around, in about a year or so and it started profiting. That was in my early 20's.

The internet reminds me of the old days of the gold rush where the little guy can make a fortune. But if you know of this time there were a lot of people that lost everything. But that's business and if your not prepared for that don't even start. It takes a special person to own your own business. Don't get me wrong anyone on earth can do it. What I am talking about is that person do they really want it or is it like getting a puppy and then you find out they take daily work for a while like training and cleaning up after them and even feeding them and spending time. All those things you have to do in your business.

Like the puppy you have to train them same thing for you. You will need training and some times you will have problems so that would be the messes you have to clean up. The feeding part would be the time you put in the money you will have to put in to make the money you want. This life and you can run from it or stick around and fight for what you want. To change your lifestyle.

I am a different kind of marketer and if you follow me you will get the straight talk I can guarantee that. I will not sugar coat that because that is not what you need. You may not want the truth and if that's the case we will not be a good fit. If you do want the truth and want to save time and all the frustrations of all the crap out there. Stick with me read some of my stuff follow me if you want and I can set you up with some great. Here's some more information from me.

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